The symbols in tarot are universal, and they often spark a sense of truth that people intuitively recognize.
To access that truth, we strip away language and the judgment that comes with it.
Throughout history, most of human culture was not played out through the written word.
The symbols in tarot have been passed down through many cultures and eras. They represent universal truths and the timeless cyclical story of life.
Tarot draws on everything from astrology to the medieval class system, from the wisdom of hermits to the magic of slick magicians.
Human culture has mostly been shaped by oral traditions and symbols, and the beauty of symbolism is that it’s immune to dogma.
They speak to us individually, offering us the messages we need in the moment. And over time, we pass those messages down, reinterpreting them, until they become shared wisdom.
Symbols are fluid, they morph and evolve with human life. Unlike the limited categories and labels imposed by written language, symbols speak directly to our intuition.